Post Expo West Errands and Happy Hour

We took our time getting around today as we have just begun the resting process after Overland Expo. Working on your feet and dealing with people for 12-14 hours per day in the cold, rain, and snow for 10 days straight takes a huge toll on a person. Sleeping in and drinking coffee in bed while we ran our heater was a great way to relax a bit before getting things done in Flagstaff.

Rachael had already knocked out laundry while I finished up work yesterday, which was a relief. I (Zach), absolutely loath doing laundry. With the worst thing already off the list, we simply needed to pick up packages from UPS and USPS, buy groceries, spend a little time on the interwebs, and make it to happy hour to meet friends from work. The postal agencies took the longest, as they normally do. Wal-Mart was also a bucket of fun, but groceries were relatively painless. We spent an hour at the Flagstaff library and got everything we needed done quickly in the heat of the massive downtown library. 

L to R: @mymoveisahealhook & @verticalhorizontals, @wanderwasi_him, @okienomads, @wanderwasi

We drove back out to camp and met up with friends who drove us all into town for a last happy-hour with everyone before folks started departing for other places. The beer at The Historic was really something. If you get a chance, try the “Pie Hole Porter” or the Cucumber Lager, both fantastic. After a few beers and some good laughs, we rode back to camp and spent the rest of the night with friends eating, drinking, and soaking in the company before we went another six months between visits. 

We have been extremely blessed with great people to work with and spend time with while we have worked for Overland Expo. The PEOPLE are truly the reason that this event has been so successful for a decade. Jonathan and Roseann Hanson deserve a ton of credit for bringing together such a fantastic group of truly good people. We have really enjoyed being welcomed into this crazy family. 

Photo cred @wanderwasi
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