Let’s Talk Coffee- Our Favorite Coffee While Traveling Across the Country

We have been drinking Rose Rock Coffee since before we started traveling in April and we are fans! They offer some really unique things that we look for in a coffee company whether we are on the road or back in Oklahoma:

Rose Rock is Local

One of our favorite aspects about Rose Rock is that their beans are roasted in Tahlequah, Oklahoma. We have had a cup of Rose Rock in Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, Arizona, and California and the summer hasn’t really started yet. We enjoy drinking Oklahoma coffee in these beautiful places because we aren’t supporting a multi-billion-dollar corporation in Seattle, we are supporting a small-business in a town that we called home for nearly a decade.

Their roasting location is 2199 W Choctaw Street, Tahlequah, OK 74464, across from the City of Tahlequah Golf Course.

Rose Rock Sells Coffee Online

While this is not a ground-breaking offering for most folks reading this in major cities, in rural Oklahoma, finding a business that will sell you a product online, in-store, and ship it to you is hard to find. We love that we can be on the rim of the Grand Canyon or on the beach in San Diego and order our coffee from anywhere. It is delivered quickly and is always well-packaged and in good shape when it arrives.

To check out their product offerings, cruise over to Rose Rock Coffee and place an order. Our personal favorites are the Scissortail and Chocolate Gravy roasts. Plus, their vintage campfire mug is perfect and travels in our bus everywhere we go.

Rose Rock Coffee is High-Quality

We are not coffee snobs by any stretch, but we can spot a bad cup of coffee a mile away. Rose Rock uses top-notch beans and the difference is clear right away. As soon as we start grinding and pouring the first cup with the sun peaking over the mountains, we can feel, smell, and taste the difference and we think you will too.

Rose Rock Coffee is Affordable

As frugal travelers, we simply cannot afford to travel to the places that we do and still buy $5 cups of coffee. You can buy a whole bag of Rose Rock for that much! It really is a great deal on great coffee.

We really do love working with Rose Rock and we enjoy getting to try new roasts and reporting back to you what we liked and what didn’t work as well for our tastes. Be on the lookout for tasting notes from us in the very near future.

To check out what Rose Rock is up to, head over to their website at Rose Rock Coffee or follow them on Instagram and Facebook. If you have a cup of Rose Rock and like what you taste, take a picture of your cup and tag #okiecoffee.

It should be noted that we have a working relationship with the coffee roaster that we are promoting, but we would never push a product that we don’t use and enjoy every day.

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